9 Key Tips for a Long-Lasting and Strong Relationship
Having good relationships can provide a sense of belonging, increase self-esteem, and create opportunities for personal growth and development. In this article, you will learn how to maintain a good one that last long.

I'm going to assume that you are currently in a relationship, good or bad, and that you are looking for ways to improve that relationship, if not, then click here, otherwise continue reading!
Relationships are an important aspect of our lives and can bring immense joy, fulfillment, and support.
However, building and maintaining strong relationships takes effort and understanding.
In this blog post, we will discuss tips and strategies for building relationships that last a lifetime.
How to have Relationships that last long
Once you have gained associate status, it is best to implement the following methods immediately, as to ensure a good and stable relationship.
The following methods are ways to have a long-lasting relationship, they are, but not limited to:
- Accept Influence;
- Avoid using accusatory words;
- Discuss positive aspects of each other's character;
- Do not give unsolicited advice;
- Supress stating unnecessary statements;
- Pay attention to detail;
- Admit your wrongs
- And do not lose your temper.
1. Accept Influence

Not only will accepting influence make the one who is influencing you feel good, it will also outright prevent fights or at the very least decrease the chances of it from ever occurring.
Let the person influence your decision-making time to time, as to show them that you respect and value their opinions.
Even the most modest of people are susceptible of their ego, even if the person seems to be meek or a pushover, it is still best to yield and accept their influence time to time, as to avoid potential fights.
2. Avoid using accusatory words

When inquiring about something from another person, it is best to avoid words that may sound accusatory, otherwise you risk offending them and turn spiteful.
To illustrate:
Instead of stating: Why did you do it?
Say: What made you do it?.
As a rule, start your inquiries with the words: "What", "How", or "When".
The only time for you to use the word "Why" is when you want the individual in question to be defensive, which can be taken advantage of to influence the person.
3. Acknowledge and openly discuss positive aspects of each other's character

Flattery can get you anywhere, as long as your intentions aligns with what you say, you can do no harm when complimenting someone.
After an adequate amount of time, generally less than a month, it is best to decide if you want the current nature of the relationship to change into something more romantic or not.
If you do decide you want a romantic relationship, then be bolder in the way you two interact, add a slight hint of sexual element to show your intention, there is no other way around it, then gauge whether the individual is accepting of the advance or not.
if yes, then advance further, if unsure, then retreat and give time for the person and yourself to heal, afterwards, polarize them to see whether there is a future of romantic relations between you two.
4. Don't give unsolicited advice

Often times, when a person expresses pain or sorrow, it is more preferable for them for you to be a good listener or a ready shoulder to cry on, instead of being a problem solver.
5. Never lie

Once caught lying, there is little to nothing you can do to avoid permanent damage in the relationship, even after all is forgiven, you will be remembered as a person who lied, and that kind of reputation will do you no good for gaining and maintaining trust.
As a rule, never lie.
6. Abstain from stating unnecessary statements

By refraining from stating unnecessary statements (foul language, off-hand comments, etc.), you avoid offending someone by mistake.
This is especially effective when you are talking to someone who is angry or somebody who you are angry at.
Stating foul languages and comments will only escalate the conversation into further hostility.
7. Pay attention to details when it comes to gifts and gestures

Thoughtful gifts and gestures that is personalized can do wonders in maintaining and creating a long-lasting relationship.
Gift the person an item he mentioned wanting; or try to remember an occasion, a goal or a dream that the person mentioned, gift something that correlates with it.
Remembering and celebrating special events such as Birthdays and Anniversaries, is also great for a relationship to last long.
8. Admit your wrongs

I once considered this as common sense, but after reflecting on my past actions and the actions of my peers and family, I realized that this advice, despite how obvious it is, is still worth mentioning.
Once you realize you are in the wrong, apologize immediately, don’t let it simmer, because it will damage the relationship the longer it stays.
However, do not apologize if you are in the right you don’t want to be a pushover; Instead, treat the person’s foolishness just like the foolishness of a child; he just does not know any better.
This way, it is easier to forgive the person without desiring vengeance and dismiss any distressful feelings inwardly.
9. Do not lose your temper

All of us have experienced being shouted at, at least once in life, it does not feel good. So If you have any type of relationship that you value, then regardless of the reason, do make sure you know how to control your temper.
The following are possible causes of losing your temper:
- Sleep deprivation results in, among other things, impaired cognitive function, mood swings, and an increase in stress and anxiety.
- Physical discomfort refers to pain or any unpleasant physical sensation that interferes with a person’s daily activities. This includes, but not limited to stomach pain, headaches, and menstrual cramps.
- Aggravating circumstances. You are bound to face adversity in life that will result in you losing your presence of mind. Your goal is to resolve them as soon as possible, otherwise they will gradually consume your mental space.
Losing your temper is no different than losing your presence of mind, it results on you making more mistakes.

- Accept Influence. let individuals influence your decision making and they will feel validated. This also decreases the possiblity of fights transpiring.
- Avoid using accusatory words. Do not use accussatory words, otherwise you risk offending them.
- Discuss positive aspects of each other's character. Flattery can get you anywhere; You can do no harm when complimenting someone.
- Do not give unsolicited advice. Often times, a person in grief would rather have you be a good listener than a problem solver.
- Abstain from stating unnecessarry statements. Withold offensive comments from your statements to avoid escalating hostility.
- Pay attention to detail. Personalized gifts and gestures can do wonders in maintaining and creating a long lasting relationship.
- Admit your wrongs. By admitting your wrongs, you save your relationship from deteriorating.
- Do not lose your temper.You are bound to lose your presence of mind and make a mistake. Find ways to control your temper.
Copyright ©2023, ©2024 by Marshall Vulta
Last revised: February 10, 2024
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